At the age of 9, Abraham Lincoln witnesses his mother being killed by a vampire, Jack Barts. The quid pro quo is that Abe will kill only those vampires that Henry directs him to. Abe would then study law and move to Springfield to become a lawyer and to hunt vampires. As a result he mounts his own campaign to defeat them. Eventually Abe slays the vampire who killed his mother but before dying he tells Abe that Henry has not been honest with him. He meets Mary Todd but Henry cautions him about relationships. The materials on this website are not to be sold, traded or given away.
He also meets and eventually marries the pretty Mary Todd. Abe wants to learn how to kill them and Hanry teaches him and makes him an ax lined with silver, which is the weapon Abe prefers. Many years later as President of the United States, he comes to realize that vampires are fighting with the Confederate forces. He makes it his mission to eliminate them. Any copying, manipulation, publishing, or other transfer of these materials, except as specifically provided in the terms and conditions of use, is strictly prohibited. From visionary filmmakers Tim Burton and Timur Bekmambetov director of Wanted comes this edgy thriller about the untold story that shaped our nation.
He also meets and eventually marries the pretty Mary Todd. Abe would come face to face with Adam, a vampire who plans to make the country his. Thrust into an epic fight against the ruthless killers, Lincoln must rely on those around him. When Abe awakens, the man, Henry Sturges, tells him that the man he was trying to kill is a vampire and he is a vampire hunter. Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, discovers vampires are planning to take over the United States. Abe relocates to Springfield where he gets a job as a store clerk while he studies the law and kills vampires by night.
Some 10 years later, he unsuccessfully tries to eliminate Barts but in the process makes the acquaintance of Henry Sturgess who teaches him how to fight and what is required to kill a vampire. Abraham Lincoln, history's greatest hunter of the undead, must risk the presidency, his family and his life to protect America from bloodthirsty vampires. He tries to kill Abe but a man saves him and nurses Abe. But it's unclear who he can trust in this visceral, violent and wild ride? Abe relocates to Springfield where he gets a job as a store clerk while he studies the law and kills vampires by night. Many years later as President of the United States, he comes to realize that vampires are fighting with the Confederate forces. Synopsis At the age of 9, Abraham Lincoln witnesses his mother being killed by a vampire, Jack Barts.
Abe would give up hunting vampires, marry Mary and would continue his work as a lawyer and would become President. This movie speculates that Abraham Lincoln as a child saw his mother killed by a man she stood up to. Some 10 years later, he unsuccessfully tries to eliminate Barts but in the process makes the acquaintance of Henry Sturgess who teaches him how to fight and what is required to kill a vampire. And when the Civil War breaks out, Abe learns that Adam is aiding the Confederacy and when it appears that they are close to winning, Abe must find a way to stop them. Some 10 years later, he unsuccessfully tries to eliminate Barts but in the process makes the acquaintance of Henry Sturgess who teaches him how to fight and what is required to kill a vampire. As a result he mounts his own campaign to defeat them.
Use of this website including any and all parts and components constitutes your acceptance of these and. The quid pro quo is that Abe will kill only those vampires that Henry. . The quid pro quo is that Abe will kill only those vampires that Henry directs him to. Storyline: At the age of 9, Abraham Lincoln witnesses his mother being killed by a vampire, Jack Barts.
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