This update provides the latest fixes to Microsoft Office 2010 32-Bit Edition. However, after reading the links, I do see what its purpose is. I have a custom inventory rule setup to to deploy the installer sliently to a new image when it checks in for the first time. I've always deleted it myself. Browse to a valid installation source, and then click ok.
Then when it asks any particular file, you can do a search in the installation media. Links are already given in my earlier post. One user found 4 registry commands to implement in fixing this problem in the concerned knowledge article. To make things more interesting I installed windows 10 a week or so ago, but this was happening with windows 8. Here is the to check.
Then you should get the location of that particular source file. How to deploy this update really depends on what your deployment requirements are? I uninstalled it and replaced it with Office 2016 about 3 months ago. Your request cannot be processed at this time. It tries to install every time the machine starts. As can be seen by this thread, Service Packs are a whole different issue.
Generally, the required source files will be in a particular folder. Click on the image to view the entire About dialog. Better install your Office update without the Intel chipset update. Hi Admin, Thanks for this explanatory post! I have Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010. Why is it that they have required the original disc to install a Service Pack for Office? You can check this link below for more information: Hello Uttam, Thanks for your reply! Click on the image to view entire Help screen. Here is a on how to do it.
I thought that 0 is pretty odd. Then you can deploy the Office 2010 installer package using a managed installation from your Kbox. Will surely come back to read more posts! If that is really the case that folder, and a set of files are actually required to be present for the install to be successful, then why the generic error messages? The solutions to these issues are detailed in this. Note In addition to the products in the Office 2010 suite, the service pack 2687455 also updates Microsoft Project 2010, Microsoft Visio 2010, and Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010. Lets hope they release a fix very soon.
Unfortunately, I never had issues like this but i will share to those that might need it and i will also save this page in case i have this kind of issue in the future. Hi, by portal i mean Microsoft Volume License Service Centre. I had the drive with my programs and data die so I ran out, got a replacement and restored from an image just one week old. Now reinstall and let me know if the updates work. Sincerely, Libra I have two systems running Windows 7 64 bit and Office 2013 32 bit , although they did have Office 2010 on them previously but were upgraded to 2013. Deploying the update to existing clients could just be done by using K1000 patching or by creating a managed installation. It simply refused to continue.
More than 90% of the users I support had the update install properly. Anyone have any ideas why this is the case? Sometimes you may have problems with Language settings. That file appears to be missing on your system. If you get that error while upgrading to Windows 10. This will pop-up the following window.
What is the make and model of your computer? Like this, you can do for any set of source files. Automatic Trouble Shooter unable to fix problem. You can also put the installation source files on the installation drive or network source where the update tries to search. How to Perform a Repair Install? Check if this works out and Office 2010 error is gone or not. Other thing: if I uninstall the whole office 2010, the related update still wants to install. It only shows version number 14. In addition to general product fixes, these fixes include improvements in stability, performance, and security.